How environmental politics can benefit from local action and local communities can benefit from environmental politics

by Rhiannon Orton

It is generally accepted that there has been a tendency for people to wait for a top down, international solution for the environmental crisis. However, a lot can be achieved through local action. In the absence of top governmental or international decisions, local action can bridge an important gap. Actions taken by a community can produce a cumulative global effect whilst improving the immediate environment. Additionally, with councils increasingly experiencing budget cuts, there is a bigger incentive to maximise efficiency to minimise the effects this austerity policy has on the community. It’s a win-win situation to implement environmental policies. 

  • Directing funds towards energy efficiency

A Local Government Association report found that potential savings for low cost, quick payment energy efficiency measures alone range from £60,000 to £2.4 million a year for an individual council’ (2015, p,4). Many councils have already begun to take energy-saving measures but there is still massive, untapped potential. Such measures include, upgrading boilers, lights and air-conditioning in council owned buildings a school.
Improving energy efficiency helps to reduce emissions helping to mitigate climate change.

  • Pollution reduction

Air pollution can have both long-term and short-term impacts upon public health and healthcare. Exposure to pollutants can cause and increase the risk of numerous illnesses. ‘The Environment Audit Committee estimated that excess mortality due to air pollution costs between £8.5bn and £20.2bn a year’ (Public Health England, 2018, p.9). Therefore, implementing air pollution reduction policies will not only help the environment but save public money in the long run.

What can you do to help this happen?
Lobby your local council and MP to be more environmentally minded and voice support when they do. Support when due is as important as criticism.  
This can be done through writing letters/ e-mails, signing petitions or speaking directly to an official figure. At the end of the day your representatives are exactly that, they are there to represent you, make them aware that you care about environmental issues.


Local Government Association (2015). The potential for energy efficiency and renewable energy – a guide for councillors. London.

Public Health England (2018). Estimation of costs to the NHS and social care due to the health impacts of air pollution. Protecting and improving the nation’s health. London.